Sunday, May 08, 2005

Happy Mother's Day

I'm a little concerned that I actually have one of these web log things now, but let me explain. I thought they were really lame. However, I found myself always updating myself on my friends' lives by reading their logs. Then, last night, come to find out, even Katie started one! And if Katie can start one, they can't be that lame. So here I am.

For four years in college, I couldn't make it home for Mother's Day, but I always was home for Father's Day (and my mom has not let me hear the end of it!) So this Mother's Day, I planned on surprising my mom by travelling home for the weekend. Then I was asked to sing and play at a memorial service, thought I was going to have to lead worship this morning, and scheduled my final interview with the foster care case-worker for Tuesday (which means mucho cleaning this weekend!) So, I feel rather terrible that I'm not home for Mother's Day ... next year, OK Mom?

Yes, so, I have a blog. And I will probably update it more often than is cool for a few weeks and then leave it to the world wide web without touching it for years. We'll see.


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