Monday, May 09, 2005


So this morning I found out that the superintendent would be at my "learning walk", but she didn't end up coming. In fact, none of the administration did. I was actually a little disappointed because my lesson went REALLY well. :) That's OK, I'm still glad we had a good start to the new unit on poetry.

I've had a field student for the past three weeks and this past Friday was his last day. He was AWESOME, but it was kind of fun to do all the teaching again today. I actually went into work early - I used to do that all the time, but sort of stopped come November. It really helps me prepare for the day and get into a good mindset. The only reason I woke up on time was because we left ALL of our windows open ALL night. The thermostat read 52 degrees when I woke up. That's really cold! (I felt like I was back at home with my parents ... I think they set the thermostat at 52 or so ...!)

I left C.O.O.L. early today to clean for the final interview/evaluation/meeting tomorrow afternoon for foster care. It was such a nice surprise because when I came home, Katie had already accomplished quite a bit on the list. I'm hoping to mostly finish things off so I don't have to leave her a list for tomorrow afternoon. I don't know why I'm so nervous - they already like me (and Katie) and have basically approved me. I just don't know what the caseworker will be like. I'm sure when I meet her, I'll be fine.

I'm off to mow the yard. My neighbor mows my front lawn about once a week. What a blessing! But it usually means I have to be out there mowing that afternoon because I can't stand there being short grass in the front and long grass along the side. The caseworker probably wouldn't even notice, but I'm gonna go put a tank top on and get a wee bit of sun before it goes down. I'll attempt to post on the "time" issue tonight before Everwood.


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