Wednesday, April 11, 2007

101 days ...

How do 101 days slip past without me noticing?!

I logged on tonight to write a simple message, but then I got caught up reading my "New Years" post. It was kind of refreshing to re-read those prayer requests and realize that are all still truly my heart's desires, and many have been answered!

All I WANTED to say tonight was how awesome it is to check on my two oldest boys tonight, only to find that Keon sneaked into Christian's bed to fall asleep. Now, understand that it's Christian's bed, but it's Keon who got the pillow and was all tucked in under the comforter. We've had two good nights of them falling asleep in bed on their own, so I'm hoping for the best.

What I NEED to say tonight is that Noah did come home! He arrived on January 18, 2007, on his 9 week birthday ... when Kathy uncovered his car seat, a huge laugh (and a small giggle) escaped as I realized I was officially seeing the fattest baby cheeks on the planet! Three months later, I have a beautiful 20 lb. 5 month old (which is quite large for those of you who aren't sure!) No one realizes how big he is until they hear how young he still is. And, even at 5 months, the goofball likes to be swaddled and cuddled like a newborn ... I spent two days of my Easter vacation with a stiff neck from holding his car seat for too long. He's gotta be the football player of the bunch! :) When adopted, his name will officially become Noah Elijah. I'll write more about the meaning of his name later (which is wonderful!)

I just couldn't start a new post without mentioning that he arrived, by the grace of God (and the prayers of his brothers!) How sweet it was to hear them pray for his arrival every single night ... actually, he's still the first person they pray for every night!

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Goodbye 2006

Happy New Year, everyone!

My friends are desperately trying to get my to start a page on myspace, so this may be my last update on this blog.

Just to tie things up ... in 2006 ...

Nina went from being 6 weeks old to being 13 months. My first daughter had a great first birthday (spent at Chuck E. Cheese with her brothers.)

Christian transitioned to a "big boy bed," turned two, and he started talking. (He hasn't stopped since!)

Keon turned three, and he's become quite the character. He loves to say, "Mama, I said no ... I want juice please ... I stopped crying, Mama." He's learning his ABCs and 123s, and he's really fun to watch. He started preschool, too (although he's only had two classes thus far.)

Keon, Christian, and Nina had a new brother born in November. We're still praying that he will come here to live with us, but we're unsure of all the underlying circumstances. We pray for Baby Noah or Baby Elijah every night. (His name is still yet to be determined.)

I went from teaching 5th grade at Case Avenue to KINDERGARTEN at West Hill ... which was decided after I had already gotten my 5th or 4th grade classroom ready for the school year. In fact, the official switch happened the day of kindergarten orientation, just the day before school started!

Byron left FCC with his family, and moved down south. We did luck out, however, with a wonderful interim pastor, Leroy Glover, who no one wants to see leave for a permanent new pastor. His sermons his everyone every week. It's been a huge blessing in the midst of some unsettling changes.

My grandmother passed away in March, and I'm still dealing with the reality that we'll never see her again. It hits the hardest when I'm at home visiting and she's not there, especially when it's time to say goodbye ... I still think that I should go downstairs and say goodbye to her.

In 2007 ...

I hope to continue teaching kindergarten.

I pray that Noah Matthew will come home to live with his brothers and sister.

I pray that FCC will find a wonderful spiritual leader, as well as a facility that would be used only to glorify God.

I pray that all of my children will hear about Jesus' love and see it on a daily basis. Specifically, I pray that Keon *and Christian) will start understanding what it means to love Jesus, and to ask Him into their hearts.

I pray that my immediate family, now including young children, would grow as a family unit, bonded together through Christ.

I pray that my home would still be of use in the foster care system, to the extent and opportunity that the Lord provides. I pray that the Lord would continue to bless the ministry He has called me to through foster care. I pray that He would bring about many quality families who I will work with to become foster parents.

Finally, I pray that my relationship with Him would be strengthened and renewed, and that my life would glorify Him every second of every day.

Happy New Year!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Eight months later ...

I guess it just didn't seem right to "update" my blog after my post about my Gram dying. It's strange because I'm still expecting to see her when I go home for Christmas. And I've recently been thinking about the conversations we had about her wanting to come out and see where I live. I don't know why I feel bad that she never got to come because I'm sure she's not worrying about it now. I hope she's doing far greater things! I just want to tell her that I'm adopting Keon, Christian, and Nina, that I'm so glad she got to spend time with them.

See ... I tried to update my blog, but I couldn't. I think I'll go cry for a little bit and then hit the hay.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Gram & Stuff

Last Thursday, I was on my way home with Katie, the kids, AND the two dogs when I received the phone call from my mother saying that my Gram had passed away. I had mixed feelings of her passing away just hours before I arrived. I am happy that my last memories of her are from this past Christmas when her health was still OK and that my last conversation with her ended with us both saying, "I love you," but there was still that hint of regret that I was so close to being able to see her one more time. From what my family says, it would've been extremely upsetting because she was just wasting away from her illness. We drove back to PA on Monday, and then I flew out with Nina Wednesday-Saturday while Katie is watching the boys. The service was held at the cemetary on Friday. It was short and officiated by Pastor Bob. Then we had lunch at my Auntie Sandie's which was nice because I got to visit with family. I'm just really thankful that the whole ordeal is over and I'm back on my way to living a normal life and seeing the boys again!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Whodathunk ...

I'd be 24, single, and ready to adopt three children under the age of three? Certainly not I ...

Friday, February 24, 2006


Life's a bit crazy, here's what's going on:

All three children have a court hearing on March 6. Since it's including the baby, I don't think their goals will change to adoption, simply because enough time hasn't passed for the baby. It might've happened if it was just a hearing for the boys. I'm anxious about how that will turn out, although not really worried because I know the kids won't be moved.

My gram (Mom's mom) was diagnosed with cancer, and then her health began deteriorating rapidly. It's stressful to hear things from my family at home, being 600 miles away from it all. Then I wonder if it's easier for me because I'm so removed from the situation. Not sure. I think both situations definitely suck and we're all having a bit of a hard time dealing with things.

PSSA testing is in fourteen days. We received student scores on tests that predict the outcomes of PSSA and a lot of mine weren't proficient, even though they are capable. No matter what anyone says, I believe it's a huge reflection on a student's current teacher. It'll kill me not to get scores until the summer, but it'll be nice to be done w/the class before I get the scores.

I put in for a transfer back to my position from last year. I knew it wouldn't go over well, but no matter what decision I made, somebody would be upset. West Hill expects me to come back, and Case expected me to stay. I had to choose what was best for me, for once, and hopefully I'll get the transfer. I know I'll be happy in either place. Basically, it all boiled down to the type of student population I feel called to serve, and the difficulty I find in teaching within the same neighborhood that I live in. Enough said.

Dad came out last weekend, but Mom stayed home b/c of Gram being sick. She didn't like that too much! Katie's family came out Tuesday-Friday and the kids enjoyed their company, although I think they're exhausted from all the company. Ky's supposed to fly out tomorrow night, but she's getting sick today and might have to cancel the trip. I REALLY want her to come, but I understand it might be best for her not be around the kids (mostly Nina) if she's contagious. Nina's immune system doesn't seem up-to-par.

Actually, everyone was sick for a long time. I had strep over Christmas, then all the kids got really sick, and Chris and Nina were almost hospitalized. Four hours of breathing treatments each day is enough to make anyone go insane. Finally, I think they're over! :) Katie got the flu, and then I got the flu. Now Nina has another cold. It's never-ending. Oh yeah, and I think Dawson has an ear infection. Crap, I forgot to return the vet's phone call! That'll cost me an arm and a leg.

Well, Nina skipped her nightly feeding, but I put her to bed because she was sleeping soundly and she was cranky all night. She'll probably decide to wake up an hour after I fall asleep! Or an hour after Chris wakes up. Or something like that. Chris is in a big boy bed. I start to cry when I see him sleeping in it because he's so cute. They all are. OK, update's done. Be back next month.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Paternity Tests and Engagements

So how 'bout my best friend from high school is engaged?! Congratulations Dan! (He doesn't go on AIM, so he won't read this anyways.) On the phone tonight, I said, "Kinda strange, huh? You're getting married and I have three children." I don't mean to judge God, but I'm just sort of wondering how I'm going to meet someone now that I'm involved with foster care. I do NOT want to stop what I'm doing ... I really feel that it's a calling in my life. But now I don't just have to find someone who loves me, but quite possibly someone who will also love the kids. I go back and forth on this one ... mostly, I think if he DOESN'T like what I'm doing in foster care (or the children in my home), we wouldn't have ended up together anyways ... he wouldn't be the type of guy I wanted. But then sometimes I wonder if I could've managed meeting someone had I done something differently after graduating from college. Good thing God's in charge, even when I doubt my own decision-making. :) "Mom" and "Dad" didn't show up to the court hearing last week and the judge ordered paternity testing for the little girl. If "Dad" is in fact a dad, he'll probably keep fighting, although won't gain custody immediately. If he isn't the father, then I wouldn't be surprised if he left. Can you imagine me waiting by the phone waiting to hear THAT verdict? Life seems a little too stressful for me right now. On the good side, Nina slept in her cradle tonight for about a half hour. She's crying, so I'm going to go move her to her swing. Later.