Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Foster Care

What a day ... early dismissal followed by a meeting where I had to plan the 4th grade curriculum for next year, pretending that I was going to teach fourth grade, and knowing that there's a huge possibility that I'll be teaching first. And trying to just keep my mouth SHUT.

Then Tabitha came, the caseworker with the foster care organization that I'm working with. The recruiter, Tim, had to come down from Erie for me to "meet the caseworker." That entailed coming in with the caseworker and saying, "Hey girls, this is Tabitha. Tabitha, this is Kim and Katie." Why the crap would they make him drive an hour and a half to say that, only to have to turn around and drive right back to Erie? I SO could've introduced myself. That was silly!

Anyways, the girl didn't look much older than me and she reminded me of Jodi Henkiel. (Did I spell your name right, Jodi?) Anyways, she talked a lot. Hold on, that's not a bad thing, Jodi! She was just super-friendly and made me feel comfortable immediately. She had a lot of information that she had to cover, but I'd already heard it from Tim in January during my first meeting. I'm still super-interested in foster care, but afterwards, Katie said, "I'm sure glad that I'm not the one doing this - because it's a huge responsibility." Now that seems to make Katie seem irresponsible, but that's not the case at all. She's totally right. I think having my own kids would be less of a responsibility. ;) Because foster care requires adult supervision 24-7. Also, the adults watching the kids, other than myself or Katie, will need to have their clearances sent into the agency, as well. Can you picture this? "Excuse me, would you like to baby-sit for some children (who potentially have mucho baggage) and, by the way, before you can baby-sit for a mere $10/hour, I also need to get criminal background checks for the government." That'd scare me off from any baby-sitting job I know. Any 18 year olds out there in western PA who wanna take up that responsibility? Heh ... that's what I thought. And if you don't meet those regulations, please pray that I find someone that does eventually. LOL

OK, Katie just said, "Aww, it's working, that means you're never going to sleep." I'm gonna prove her wrong and get off instantly. She's still trying to vote for Anthony ... she has been for an hour. She just got through! Alright. Peace out. Random question ... How many people do you think can get through at one time when voting for the next American Idol?


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