Friday, February 24, 2006


Life's a bit crazy, here's what's going on:

All three children have a court hearing on March 6. Since it's including the baby, I don't think their goals will change to adoption, simply because enough time hasn't passed for the baby. It might've happened if it was just a hearing for the boys. I'm anxious about how that will turn out, although not really worried because I know the kids won't be moved.

My gram (Mom's mom) was diagnosed with cancer, and then her health began deteriorating rapidly. It's stressful to hear things from my family at home, being 600 miles away from it all. Then I wonder if it's easier for me because I'm so removed from the situation. Not sure. I think both situations definitely suck and we're all having a bit of a hard time dealing with things.

PSSA testing is in fourteen days. We received student scores on tests that predict the outcomes of PSSA and a lot of mine weren't proficient, even though they are capable. No matter what anyone says, I believe it's a huge reflection on a student's current teacher. It'll kill me not to get scores until the summer, but it'll be nice to be done w/the class before I get the scores.

I put in for a transfer back to my position from last year. I knew it wouldn't go over well, but no matter what decision I made, somebody would be upset. West Hill expects me to come back, and Case expected me to stay. I had to choose what was best for me, for once, and hopefully I'll get the transfer. I know I'll be happy in either place. Basically, it all boiled down to the type of student population I feel called to serve, and the difficulty I find in teaching within the same neighborhood that I live in. Enough said.

Dad came out last weekend, but Mom stayed home b/c of Gram being sick. She didn't like that too much! Katie's family came out Tuesday-Friday and the kids enjoyed their company, although I think they're exhausted from all the company. Ky's supposed to fly out tomorrow night, but she's getting sick today and might have to cancel the trip. I REALLY want her to come, but I understand it might be best for her not be around the kids (mostly Nina) if she's contagious. Nina's immune system doesn't seem up-to-par.

Actually, everyone was sick for a long time. I had strep over Christmas, then all the kids got really sick, and Chris and Nina were almost hospitalized. Four hours of breathing treatments each day is enough to make anyone go insane. Finally, I think they're over! :) Katie got the flu, and then I got the flu. Now Nina has another cold. It's never-ending. Oh yeah, and I think Dawson has an ear infection. Crap, I forgot to return the vet's phone call! That'll cost me an arm and a leg.

Well, Nina skipped her nightly feeding, but I put her to bed because she was sleeping soundly and she was cranky all night. She'll probably decide to wake up an hour after I fall asleep! Or an hour after Chris wakes up. Or something like that. Chris is in a big boy bed. I start to cry when I see him sleeping in it because he's so cute. They all are. OK, update's done. Be back next month.