Sunday, December 31, 2006

Goodbye 2006

Happy New Year, everyone!

My friends are desperately trying to get my to start a page on myspace, so this may be my last update on this blog.

Just to tie things up ... in 2006 ...

Nina went from being 6 weeks old to being 13 months. My first daughter had a great first birthday (spent at Chuck E. Cheese with her brothers.)

Christian transitioned to a "big boy bed," turned two, and he started talking. (He hasn't stopped since!)

Keon turned three, and he's become quite the character. He loves to say, "Mama, I said no ... I want juice please ... I stopped crying, Mama." He's learning his ABCs and 123s, and he's really fun to watch. He started preschool, too (although he's only had two classes thus far.)

Keon, Christian, and Nina had a new brother born in November. We're still praying that he will come here to live with us, but we're unsure of all the underlying circumstances. We pray for Baby Noah or Baby Elijah every night. (His name is still yet to be determined.)

I went from teaching 5th grade at Case Avenue to KINDERGARTEN at West Hill ... which was decided after I had already gotten my 5th or 4th grade classroom ready for the school year. In fact, the official switch happened the day of kindergarten orientation, just the day before school started!

Byron left FCC with his family, and moved down south. We did luck out, however, with a wonderful interim pastor, Leroy Glover, who no one wants to see leave for a permanent new pastor. His sermons his everyone every week. It's been a huge blessing in the midst of some unsettling changes.

My grandmother passed away in March, and I'm still dealing with the reality that we'll never see her again. It hits the hardest when I'm at home visiting and she's not there, especially when it's time to say goodbye ... I still think that I should go downstairs and say goodbye to her.

In 2007 ...

I hope to continue teaching kindergarten.

I pray that Noah Matthew will come home to live with his brothers and sister.

I pray that FCC will find a wonderful spiritual leader, as well as a facility that would be used only to glorify God.

I pray that all of my children will hear about Jesus' love and see it on a daily basis. Specifically, I pray that Keon *and Christian) will start understanding what it means to love Jesus, and to ask Him into their hearts.

I pray that my immediate family, now including young children, would grow as a family unit, bonded together through Christ.

I pray that my home would still be of use in the foster care system, to the extent and opportunity that the Lord provides. I pray that the Lord would continue to bless the ministry He has called me to through foster care. I pray that He would bring about many quality families who I will work with to become foster parents.

Finally, I pray that my relationship with Him would be strengthened and renewed, and that my life would glorify Him every second of every day.

Happy New Year!