Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Longest Day

Physically, this is the longest day of the year, right? I've always looked back to when our clocks "fall back." This year, I realized that that means NOTHING to babies. When they woke up at what they thought was 6 AM, they looked at me like I was crazy when I said to them, "Go back to sleep. It's really only 5 AM." Thus, the morning was long, church was long, and the afternoon was endless. It was a nice thing, though, because Katie had the day off and we had Chinese (food), took the dogs and kids to the park, and realized we could let the dogs run leash-free in an almost completely fenced in baseball field. It was so nice to see my dog RUN ... really run! Even if I took him "for a run", it wouldn't quite match up to his maximum speed. ;) The dogs were tired, the kids were tired, and now everyone's asleep and it's not even 7 PM. I can't believe I have an hour to myself (to clean, nonetheless) before Home Makeover even starts. I'm in a really good mood. Mostly because my first grad school class ended last night and my next one doesn't start until Sunday. I feel so FREE! Katie and I are taking the boys for their Christmas pictures (at Wal-Mart) on Tuesday evening. I can't take them alone, and JCPenny is always booked in advance before Katie knows her schedule. The studio looks nice at the new Super Wal-Mart, but they "can't guarantee" and outfit change. Considering my mom spent over $100 on their Halloween/Christmas costumes, I better get that outfit change! Speaking of, they said ALSO that I couldn't come back for thirty days if I didn't get the outfit change, like I can't even make two appointments. Can someone please explain the sense in that?

Keon's saying that a cow says "moo" and in speech therapy Wednesday he made the best goat sound I've ever heard in my life! Keon and Kris both dressed up for the Case Avenue Halloween parade (even though it ended up raining and being held inside.) They looked adorable. They loved passing out (and dumping candy) on Trick-or-Treat which, in Pennsylvania, is NOT on Halloween, go figure.

OK, time limit is up. Gotta spend the next hour cleaning! Thanks for reading. :)

Thursday, October 27, 2005

A Baby's Prayer

"A Baby's Prayer"
Kathy Troccoli

Please pray for Amy's unborn baby ... and for Amy's decision.

"I can hear her talking with a friend
I think it's all about me
Oh how she can't have a baby now
My mommy doesn't see
That I feel her breathe, I know her voice
Her blood, it flows through my heart
God you know my greatest wish is that
We'd never be apart

But if I should die before I wake
I pray her soul you'll keep
Forgive her Lord, she doesn't know
That you gave life to me

Do I really have to say goodbye
Don't want this time to be through
Oh please tell her that I love her Lord
And that you love her too

Cause if I should die before I wake
I pray her soul you'll keep
Forgive her Lord, she doesn't know
That you gave life to me

On the days when she may think of me
Please comfort her with the truth
That the angels hold me safe and sound
Cause I'm in Heaven with you
I'm in Heaven with you

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Since I've become a mom and blogged a little bit, I've slacked in my real journaling. I opened up to my last entry dated May 14, 2005.

"I met with my casemanager, Tabitha, on Tuesday. The meeting went well and she said that she was approving me for foster care.She said they'd only had one infant referred since she's been there and the baby didn't end up being placed.She kept referring to teenagers and when I'd say I couldn't take teenagers, she'd remind me that they call for all placements.I'm feeling doubtbul that I'll get young ones, but God is so much bigger than I'm giving Him credit for.If He wants me to foster chldren of any age, He can make it happen.I'm asking specifically for a five-year-old."

If that doesn't show God's faithfulness, what does? I ended up with two beautiful babies and THREE of my nine children were specifically five years old - Daniel, Teko, and Cway. The Lord truly does answer prayer. His mercies are new EVERY single morning.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Just In Case You Ever Wonder

I bought a book for the boys today for Christmas. It's "Just In Case You Ever Wonder" by Max Lucado. It says it all ...

"Long, long ago God made a decision -
a very important decision ...
one that I'm really glad He made.
He made the decision to make you.

The same hands that made the stars MADE YOU.
The same hands that made canyons MADE YOU.
The same hands that made trees and
the moon and the sun MADE YOU.
That's why you are so special. God made you.

He made you in a very special way.
He made your eyes so they would twinkle.
He made your mouth so you could smile.
He made your laugh so you could giggle.
God made you like no one else.

If you looked all over the world -
in every house - there would be
no one with your eyes,
no one with your mouth,
no one with your laugh.
You are very, very special.

And since you are so special, God wanted
to put you in just the right home ...
where you would be warm when it's cold,
where you'd be safe when you're afraid,
where you'd have fun and learn about heaven.
After lots of looking, God sent you to me.
And I'm so glad He did.

I'll never forget the first time i saw you ...
your eyes were closed,
your fingers were curled into little fists,
your cheeks were puffy and round.
I knew in my heart God had sent someone very
wonderful for me to take care of.

Your first night with me, I heard every sound
you made:
I heard you gurgle,
I heard you sniff,
I heard your little lips smack.
I heard you cry when you wanted to eat,
and I fed you.

You're bigger now, and you do more things.
You can walk and run.
You can play and talk.
You can eat and sing and look at books.
You're not a little baby anymore.

BUt as you grow and change,
some things will stay the same.
I'll always love you.
I'll always hug you.
I'll always be on your side.
And I want you to know that ...
just in case you ever wonder.

Remember I'm here for you.
On dark nights when you hear noises
in your closet, call on me.
When you see monsters in the shadows, call on me.
On hard days when kids are mean and
don't treat you like they should, come to me.
If your grades are bad and your teacher is mad,
come to me ... 'cause I love you.
And I always will, just in case you ever wonder.

Most of all, I'll teach you about God.
He loves you.
He protects you.
He and His angels always watch over you.

And God wants me to make sure you know
about heaven. It's a wonderful place.
There are no tears there.
No monsters.
No mean people.

You never have to say "good-bye,"
or "good night,"
or "I'm hungry."
YOu never get cold or sick or afraid.

In heaven you are so close to God that He will
hug you, just like I hug you. It's going to be
wonderful. I will be there, too. I promise.
We will be there together, forever.
Remember that ...
just in case you ever wonder."

Friday, October 14, 2005


This is going to be a generic update ... sorry for the lack in creativity!

Last weekend, we celebrated Kristen's first birthday. We had cake with my parents, Kelsey, and Katie's father and sister. My mom got some great video footage of the boys enjoying their first birthday cake. Kris is sporting some great new clothes from his aunts, playing with some fun toys from Katie's parents, and riding in a brand new car seat. Life is good. Can't wait to do this again for Keon's birthday in December. Hopefully I'll have the energy to do a little bit more by then. :)

Teaching is OK. I think I just need to come to the conclusion that I'm going to struggle this year in the "satisfied with my job" department and just try to survive (hoping for better next year.) I have smart kids, some of whom DRIVE me nuts, all of who are totally energy-consuming!

Grad school is extremely time-consuming and, as of now, seems pointless. Honestly, my gut instinct says not to keep taking classes. I don't think I enjoy the online thing because I'm seeming to get by not doing much work, but then again, I don't want to take the time to drive to a campus AND be held more accountable for my work. I don't have enough time as it is. Maybe a new class will be more enjoyable. Maybe I need to switch gears because I have NO DESIRE to be an administrator, simply because it's a full-time position. I just feel like it's the only thing to get your master's in that truly opens up a new position if I ever desired. I just have a bad feeling that district's won't like my online degree and that I'll run into problems with it in the future. Any advice?

I took a spiritual gifts inventory tonight. My top ones were "faith" and "word of wisdom," the second one being absolutely hysterical because I think I may be the unwisest person I know!

I made plans tonight to fly home the beginning of November to drive to New Hampshire with my family to meet my father's biological father. Ed (his father) contacted him after 42 years. I'm respiting the boys due to how hard it would be to travel with them, the fact that I'm travelling with them in November and December for the holidays, and also because I feel like I just have to make myself have some time alone. It's funny, though, how terrible I already feel about having them stay with a new family for the weekend! It's a very weird situation! This way, I guess, hopefully it'll be a better experience than the last time and I'll meet a family who'd be there as a back up in an emergency.

Anyways, this weekend will be spent cleaning, doing a project, and hopefully visiting Heather and Tom. Relaxing. :)