Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Since I've become a mom and blogged a little bit, I've slacked in my real journaling. I opened up to my last entry dated May 14, 2005.

"I met with my casemanager, Tabitha, on Tuesday. The meeting went well and she said that she was approving me for foster care.She said they'd only had one infant referred since she's been there and the baby didn't end up being placed.She kept referring to teenagers and when I'd say I couldn't take teenagers, she'd remind me that they call for all placements.I'm feeling doubtbul that I'll get young ones, but God is so much bigger than I'm giving Him credit for.If He wants me to foster chldren of any age, He can make it happen.I'm asking specifically for a five-year-old."

If that doesn't show God's faithfulness, what does? I ended up with two beautiful babies and THREE of my nine children were specifically five years old - Daniel, Teko, and Cway. The Lord truly does answer prayer. His mercies are new EVERY single morning.


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