Monday, September 12, 2005


Last night, Katie offered to let me go grocery shopping (alone!) while the boys were asleep. This was supposed to be my "night out" for the month ...

I pull into a parking spot, while talking to my mother on my cell phone. After about a minute being in my car, I see a parent of one of my students parked next to me. I told my mom that this woman was upset with me due to my room being 72 degrees, which is obviously too cold for her daughter.) So, she waved to get my attention. I waved back and, as she turned around, locked my car doors.

After asking my mom for her advice, she basically told me to "suck it up" and go do my grocery shopping. While on the phone with my mother, this woman began yelling at me (yet again) about the temperature of my room. I told her that I was not able to talk to her outside of the school and continued on my way.

Once in the store, I called Katie to get my principal's phone number. I was going to call immediately to let him know that she was bothering me in the parking lot. However, after getting his number, the father of my student came into the store. I apprached a worker to let them know I was being followed and he got onto the phone to let someone know at the front desk.

After three attempts to make the parent leave me alone, I threatened to call 911. If you know me, you know that I never threaten my students with something that I can't follow through with. So, when the dad stepped towards me once more, I whipped out my phone and dialed 911. The dispatch worker had me stay on the phone until an officer arrived. I then filed a formal report and complain against these parents! They were sent on their way and, about five minutes later, we walked out and they were still at my car. The officer watched me get in and drive off. Boy, was I shook up!

Thank goodness I have the support of both of my principals and my superintendent. I was worried that teachers would think I overreacted, which is sort of how I felt. I know if I hadn't been exhausted already, I probably would've talked to these people. I was just so angry that they were keeping me from doing my grocery shopping on the ONE night I had available. Instead of laughing, though, the other teachers have declared me their hero. This couple has about a million children and it seems that every teacher in the school has had dealings with this mother. They bow down to her so that she doesn't bother them, but I decided I wasn't going to cave and I was going to do my job appropriately and professionally. So ...

She didn't complain this morning (as usual.) She didn't even walk on the school grounds. Praise God.

What a life I lead, huh?


Blogger FizxWestcott said...

Yay Kim is a SuperHero! You vanquished the evil Momthra and brought peace once again to the land!

I think it's totally awesome that you called 911 on those is retarded what parents think they can get away with.

On the one hand, at least they are involved in their child's education, but at the same time, they've got to be doing just as much harm as someone who doesn't care. There is a point where you have to step back into reality and stop trying to control the temperature of your daughter's school room.

In my school, I can't even control my own room temperature. If it sucks, I have to put up with it just like the kids do. And so we put up with it.

Thanks for showing teachers everywhere that they don't have to put up with stupid parent crap!

But do let them know that this is one psychotic pair of parents - most times, seeing a student's parents at the grocery store is a positive thing...yes?

8:04 PM  

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