Saturday, September 03, 2005

A Whole New World

I am constantly having these revelations and I think, "Wow! That's a blogger ..." However, I never have any time to blog those thoughts because life is SO busy! So this may be choppy, but I want to get a bit in.

I woke up this morning to poop. Not just the smell of poop when I walked into the boys' room, but POOP. All over the carpet ... all over the furniture ... all over the clothes ... it was gross. While I vowed to NEVER wake Katie up on a day she wasn't watching the boys, I was helpless. I threw Keon into the bathtub and brought Kristen up to Katie. I tried cleaning up, but didn't have good carpet cleaner, so then I had to have Katie watch them while I went to Giant Eagle to buy carpet cleaner, Febreze, Lysol, and paper towels. It's not coming out.

Now one of them is awake. See, my blog entry is over. Thanks for reading. Maybe some other day I'll get those important thoughts onto this thing!


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