Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Road Trip

I'm still listening to "Held," even if NONE of you decided to comment on the lyrics. ;)

I spent the ENTIRE day yesterday being lazy. There was a two-hour exception, when Katie and I were digging up the backyard and beginning to level the ground. We heard that we're gonna get hit with the end of the hurricane tomorrow and our neighbor said we needed to finish our job before then or our work would be ruined! Katie's working until 6 tonight, so after dinner, we'll finish digging, leveling, and hopefully set up the pool.

I'm heading out on my first road trip WITHOUT my puppy this week. I have a wedding to go to in Rhode Island (on the beach - yea!) I'm so not looking forward to driving, so I thought maybe I'd leave Dawson home to save some time. I was planning on driving out Thursday, going to the wedding on Friday, and driving back Saturday so that Kelsey and I could go to my church on Sunday morning. (Kelsey's driving back with me for two weeks - yea!) I may leave tomorrow because I've been sort of bored this week. (No foster care calls and Katie's been working a lot.) I'm looking forward to seeing my best friend from high school and a lot of our friends from high school youth group. It should be a fun time!

I'm really missing Johnathan, Krista, and Daniel. Everytime Katie mentions one or all of them, I tell her not to talk about them ... but, truth is, I'm thinking about them all of the time anyways. I just can't stop praying for them, which is a good thing, I'm sure. I just keep thinking about the first phone call I had about them coming to live with me and I wonder why it didn't work out that way. I would REALLY like to have them here on a long-term basis and I'm still not convinced that it will never happen. Next Saturday, Katie, Kelsey, and I will be going to Waldameer to meet them. Then we'll have them here the following Thursday-Sunday before Kelsey and I take another road trip to Maine for two weeks. Katie was funny the other day when she realized that she's going to go from living with five other people in the house to having it all to herself for two weeks!

Well, this update was basically written because I was bored. I'm going to go try to clean some more around the house and continue being productive. Peace out. ;)


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