Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Summer Days

I was late to C.E.L.L. group yesterday and do you know what I realized? I had NO reason to be late. My excuse was, "This whole not-working-all-summer-thing is really messing up my concept of time." (Probably didn't help that there were people there who I strongly didn't want to see.)

Anyways, I am REALLY enjoying my summer. I drove home (to MA) Friday-Monday to see my parents (who have been in Alaska for two weeks) and to go to my cousin, Kristen's, graduation party. Lots of driving, but it was a good time. I drove home Monday because people were coming to clean my dining room chairs on Wednesday, but they called Monday night and cancelled. They thanked me endlessly for being so nice and patient. It wasn't until I hung up that I realized I could've stayed at home longer had I known they weren't coming. But the Dalton's are bringing a truck of stuff (they're moving to Texas) to me today, so that's good.

Plus I really enjoyed yesterday. I picked up a bit between 9 am and noon while I watched Regis and Kelly and Dawson's Creek. Productive yet relaxed. :) I plan on doing the same thing this morning. Katie and I got a bunk board from Lowe's and a mattress from a friend's mom. (On a sidenote, I was going to pay $200 for a mattress with bunk board - and the whole shebang plus dowels to put the beds together cost me under $22!) I mowed the lawn in the afternoon and went to C.E.L.L. group. Funniest thing was, after Katie got home from working ten hours, I said, "Man, I feel like I've had a long, hard day" But I'm not working! I think I'll take it easy this afternoon. My productiveness will come in unloading Frank's truck when he arrives and possibly taping off the bedroom in order to start painting it today or tomorrow (more on that later.) Other than that, maybe I'll sit outside and read and tan for a couple of hours this afternoon. I could get used to this!

So, I got a call from Family Care yesterday about the three kids that, at one point, were coming to live with me, and fourty-eight hours later, were not. I had the oldest, Johnathan (9 yo), for four days last week and really enjoyed his company. Well, it turns out that they're ALL going to come to me for at least one weekend a month. In the summer, those weekends will hopefully be four or five days. Now, there's a catch. The whole reason that they were going to change families was because the current family wouldn't cooperate in letting the kids visit their dad in jail. Well, on the weekend that they are with me, I'm taking them to visit their dad. The selfish part of me says, "Hey, if I'm going to do the dirty work, I should get the benefits of having the kids." But I quickly remind myself that this isn't about me "getting kids". It's about me supporting them as much as I can with the time and resources that I have. And I do strongly believe that - strong enough, anyways, that I'm able to remind myself when my mind gets off-track. Anyways, for now, this seems great ... I'm enjoying some time to myself while knowing that I'll have kids regularly/monthly, at least, and really - I'm building these relationships with them so that I can be available if they ever need a more permanent placement.

So, the WORST part about realizing I wasn't getting them was that John had been able to visit me (not knowing he was staying) and tell me what his dream room would look like. I'd been hoping to get some things from his description to fix up the "pink room" and make it more bearable for him to change families and have to share a room with his 5 yo brother. When I realized they weren't staying, I knew I couldn't do that. Well, since the room needs to be redone anyways and I will see them for two long weekend in July and August, and then probably once a month after that ... I'm going to redo the room, anyways. A blue room with Star Wars posters and a CD player. That's all it will take. $50 later (spent on EBay), I have a huge door poster of Yoda and six new Star Wars posters heading my way. It's about the same I would've spent at Wal-Mart (if they had the selection). Of course, I got them for way cheaper and then paid an arm and a leg for shipping and handling. Can anyone tell me if that money is really pocketed by the seller and it's cheaper to send? (That's what I think, but I haven't had that feeling validated.) Anyways, I'm crazy. Basically, I'm doing this because I want to see his reaction on July 22nd ... I know it will be positive, but I'm trying not to idealize it too much. Because it'll probably be more like, "Wow! This is so cool. But I hope it can have a bigger stereo next time." The foster kids I've come into contact with are always wanting more. I haven't analyzed it too much, yet, but it is interesting.

So, the update right now is, I'm enjoying some time to get things done and relax, and enjoying the prospect of visiting with this family once a month, and the potential of still getting a call to be placed with kids any day. It could all change tomorrow. Thank goodness God is unchanging and all-faithful! :)


Blogger FizxWestcott said...

God bless you Kim for loving these children so much - they need it so much. I too am sharing in the desire to have kids because of my new nephew, but in a completely different way. I am fascinated by the whole birth process and I want to participate. But that's a ways off. In the meantime, I am going to spoil the heck out of my nephew. Ohhh yes. With all of my riches yeah right. But Star Wars posters and a stereo? I can make that happen! E-bay here I come!

4:50 PM  

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