Saturday, May 28, 2005

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron and Liz Santavicca :)

Wow - it's been a long (but nice) 24 hours! As most of you know, I spent four wonderful years at Grove City College, three of which I spent 99% of my time with three of the best friends I could've ever imagined having! Sometimes I think about the summer before college when I spent EVERY day praying that I'd have good friends at college. When I realize that when God heard those prayers, He had hand-picked Aaron, Katie, and Nate, I'm so humbled by His sovereignty. You're lucky if you find ONE friend like them - and I got three! (Plus a few more back in Massachusetts!)

So today was Aaron's wedding ~ the first one of us to get married. What floored me about it was that three or four times he told me how much it meant to him to have us there. My automatic thought response was 1.) How the heck could I NOT be here? and 2.) You better not even THINK about not being at my wedding ... I think it's a necessity to be with your friends for life's most important moments and this wedding was definitely one of them!

The Lord really laid it on my heart this weekend that He specifically brought Aaron and Liz together to work as partners for Him. It made me think that I certainly don't need to rush or worry about meeting my future husband if God's already picked Him out for me. It's not always easy to think this way, but I'd certainly rather spend my time building my relationship with Him until He brings that person to me instead of wasting my time searching for my own relationship creations. Hmmm ... did that make sense?

If I had to choose one emotion for the whole weekend, it'd certainly be "overwhelmed." Basically, I became overwhelmed with how much you can love your brothers and sisters in Christ. To watch one of my best friends be SO happy today made me SO happy. And it makes me think of the other times when he was suffering that I couldn't help but truly feel that pain. I think that's an awesome blessing. Whatever that verse is ... about rejoicing in each other's joys and suffering in each other's trials ... I'm too tired to look it up. That's an awesome, awesome thing - that we can love each other so much that we can honestly rejoice AND suffer with them. Today was definitely a day for REJOICING! :) And to think that the ONLY reason we can even give or receive that love is because Christ first loved us.

So ... to Aaron and Liz ... congratulations and may your marriage shine brightly as a symbol of Christ's love for His children. I was blessed to be a part of your wedding day! I love you!


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