Friday, June 10, 2005

Life Changes

It's been hard to find time to update, but I don't want to get too far behind! This will be a quickie. :) Life is crazy.

Tomorrow, Josh will be coming to spend the weekend with me. He's a fifteen year old boy who lives with a foster family in Mercer. The agency would like me to be his "respite" home, which means the place where he goes when he needs a break, his family needs a break, etc. However, I'm not sure that will be possible.

AS FAR AS I KNOW, Jonathan, a nine year old boy, will be coming to me on Sunday and staying through Tuesday. Then I'll either receive his brother and sister on Tuesday OR he'll go back to his current foster family and all three children will come to me Wednesday or Thursday. However, I'm not 100% confident that this will happen because I was told I'd get another phone call yesterday at 4:30. As of today at 10 PM, I still haven't received that phone call. (Do you know what it's like to carry a cordless phone AND a cell phone with you everywhere you go waiting for this phone call?) I know the caseworker had a few days off, though, and I'm assuming she'll call tomorrow if I'm getting Jon on Sunday. Jonathan has a six or seven year old sister, Krista, and a five year old brother, Daniel. Supposedly, I'll have them all summer and they'll even start school in Sharon next year. Can you believe I'm about to become a foster mother? I do NOT feel ready now. :)

Byron is delivering bunk beds on Monday and Kris and the girls are coming Wednesday to get a twin-sized mattress (unless I find one before then.) Then, I'll have all the basic necessities for the kids. I went grocery shopping today and picked up some kid-friendly things that were on sale. If you're close enough to me to be reading this, then you can probably imagine that I was sort of emotional about buying young-kid-friendly things for potential children that will be living with me for a substantial amount of time. It's a crazy, out-of-this-world feeling. I don't know what to feel besides overwhelmed.

Nevermind the fact that I said "goodbye" to twenty-one precious ten and eleven year olds this morning and I'm also experiencing my first feeling of freedom ever! Is it possible that this feeling was only meant to last an afternoon? How ironic! But, also, how God. I wanted foster children this summer, under the age of ten, and if this works out, I know it's a gift from God. If it doesn't, I trust that He has a better plan both for myself and for those children.

By the way, I'm also starting "A Total Money Makeover", by reading Dave Ramsey's new book with the summer cell group at my church. It seems awesome. And I'm totally blessed to be starting getting out of debt while I'm still young. It seems very hopeful and step-by-step and doable. If anyone has anything negative to say about it, please just don't say anything. Regardless of whether you agree with his results, the principles are Biblical and I"m hoping they'll humble me in how I handle my money, especially if I'm responsible for three children as well as myself.

Please comment if you have anything to say so that I know there's a reason in writing. :)


Blogger FizxWestcott said...

Kim - what a wonderful thing you are doing! You are still just as beautiful a person as always - inside as well as out - and you continue to demonstrate this. What a huge heart you must have in order to offer these children a respite home. I know that God will use this in a wonderful way. God Bless you, Kim!

Hey I commented in your blog, now you have to come comment in mine! ok!?!?

4:45 AM  

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