Monday, June 27, 2005

Picture This!

Instead of writing tonight about the fact that Johnathan, Krista, and Daniel left this afternoon (quite abruptly) to return to their other foster home, I figured I'd tell a short story about yesterday.

Katie's friend, John, from work, came over to look at the boys' bunk beds and help Katie level them. (Prior to this, I bought one of those 3 ft. deep pools that afternoon.) After discovering that the pool MIGHT have a leak, I let the kids play in it with just about 5 in. of water. (They had a blast!) Katie and John came out of the house and I gave the dogs to Katie so I could splash John for something he'd said. In one quick motion, I stepped into the pool, bent down to splash him, had my feet slide out in front of me, and I fell butt-first into the pool. THEN I laughed so hard, I was swallowing water and choking! The kids and I must've laughed SERIOUSLY for fifteen minutes (as I tried to hold my clothes on from being wet and heavy.) I said, "Katie, I think I might need assistance!" (Her and John didn't even crack a smile, for some STRANGE reason, and went into the house.) About eight minutes LATER, I called her to ask for help again and she was like, "What do you need?" I was like, "Towels, clothes, ANYTHING!" The kids and I laughed AGAIN ... and I laughed the whole night about it. Fun times. Made me think of the other times I "fell in" the water with my clothes on when I was a kid. I think I'm old enough to admit that I don't know if any (maybe one or two) of those times was purely innocent "falling". I always KNEW something MIGHT happen, you know, either to make people laugh or because my mom told me I couldn't get wet. (I do vividly remember one time, though, at George Sproule's pool, when my mom pushed me in fully clothed and surprised the heck out of me!) Anyways, fun stuff.

This morning, we made pancakes that spelled, "Happy Birthday Katie!" This afternoon we had a "Happy Birthday Kitty Kat" cake, a balloon, a gift (a stuffed cat, of course), a rose from each of the kids, and a cute little celebration of Katie's birthday (followed by tears from her saying goodbye, temper tantrums and tears from the kids about leaving, LOTS of headaches, and tears on my end, needless to say.) It's been an emotionally draining day. I just realized I haven't eaten and I'm REALLY hungry. Maybe I'll go make something for dinner and take some medicine. Or maybe I'll just have a piece of cake. Or a Mike's. LOL We'll see.


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