Sunday, September 04, 2005


Katie just let me in on a little secret. "Seriously?!" is now the phrase I use, mostly on the dogs, when I just am exasperated at what someone/something is doing.

Tonight deserves a big, "SERIOUSLY?" When the boys were finally asleep, Katie asked me, "Why did you want them again?" And I want to reply, "I know, seriously!"

Do parents ever feel this way? I think I already know that the answer is yes. Let me recap the past 48 hours.

Kids went to bed fine Friday night. Saturday night, I woke up and their room was full of poop. I think I started an entry on that already. The room's still not cleaned completely and the upstairs (as well as the children) continue to smell like poop.

So I spent all of Saturday trying to get babies to nap, changing diapers, and getting really frustrated that Dawson and Joey have reached a height where they can officially reach everything. I think they'd be phenomenal dogs if someone had the time to train them. Any ideas about when I could fit that into my schedule?

So, last night, Kristen went to bed and Keon eventually fell asleep in my bed. I brought him to his room, only to have him return at 2 AM ... never to really fall back asleep. He dozed off at 4:30 and Kristen awoke at 4:45 with a messy diaper. Poor baby, I just put him back to bed to cry himself to sleep because I was desperate. I think he finally slept again 6:45-7:30 A.M. I didn't think we could make it to church, but we went just to keep myself sane. Then we met Tom, Heather, and Chrissy at the outlets, where I watched my friends shop while I waited outside always trying to get a baby (or two) to stop screaming. Fun. They slept in the car on the way to Rachels, were OK in the restaurant, and fell asleep on the way home. Yeah, so it was only 6. Usually they go down at 7. So maybe they'd be up at 5 instead of 6 ... I didn't care, just get them to bed. (By the way, my first grad school class starts tonight, so I'd wanted to get a head start on that.) So Katie knocked on my door at 6:30 to tell me that Kris was awake, but he'd be fine. I vowed to finish one assignment and then head down. At 6:40, she knocked again to let me know they were both awake. There was lots of crying. After a run to the grocery store to buy gas relief meds, pedialyte (which Ke wouldn't drink), and some doses of Tylenol, I put them to bed. Ten minutes later, Katie went in to find Kristen totally asleep and Keon sitting in the crib with him, just talking. She brought him down and he played for a bit. FINALLY, I got him to sleep in Kristen's old infant car seat after rocking him for a good 45 minutes. I went to take him out, but Katie didn't think that was best. She carried the seat upstairs (and he's heavy) and we just plopped the seat in their room. Can you imagine what he'll wonder when he wakes up?

All of a sudden, I don't feel so ready to be a mom. And to think I may add a teenage girl to the mix next weekend? What's going on?!


Blogger FizxWestcott said...

hey wow kim you've got two new friends! Seriously.

Actually I guess you should be proud that your blog is important enough to merit some spam attacks - mine hasn't even earned that level of notoriety yet ;)

7:35 PM  

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