Friday, September 23, 2005

Runaway Mom

I met with a caseworker tonight who called another caseworker who relayed this message to us ...

"After the court hearing on September 7th, "Mom" has been nowhere to be found." My caseworker thinks drugs may be involved. I think it may have something in addition to do with her being pregnant. Who knows, she's gone.

So my caseworker mentions tonight two things:
1. There's a possibility that they'll put some sort of order out that when the new baby arrives in a hospital somewhere, it'll be placed directly into foster care.
2. If Mom doesn't remain in sufficient contact with the two children in my care, then come the next court hearing (in March), their goals could possibly already change to adoption.

So my brain is wired ... will the new baby go to a home in the county where the family is from? Will he/she (preferably she) have the same father as my two boys and, therefore, be put into placement with them? Will Katie DIE taking care of another baby? Will I be able to take care of another baby? (There's no way I'd say no.) If the adoption process starts in March, how long does that last and what the heck will I do? It's so hard not to get overwhelmed with the questions. Because, in reality, Mom could call Monday and demand visits with her children, take the parenting classes and drug rehab, and then get her kids back in April. Can you believe this is a voluntary thing that I WANT to do? :)

Anyways, just thought I'd give an update. The boys are doing well. Keon's talking up a storm. While Kris is pretty sick, he's getting the medical attention that he needs. Thanks for everyone's prayers and encouragement!


Blogger FizxWestcott said...

It's almost sad to take a look into a world where people are not taking care of their own children, and the "opportunities" that it places before you (also "challenges"). But I'm glad that these boys and girls have such a great channel for God's love into their lives, and I know that He will guide what happens to them in the future in order to bring them closer to Him.

9:07 PM  

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