Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Longest Day

Physically, this is the longest day of the year, right? I've always looked back to when our clocks "fall back." This year, I realized that that means NOTHING to babies. When they woke up at what they thought was 6 AM, they looked at me like I was crazy when I said to them, "Go back to sleep. It's really only 5 AM." Thus, the morning was long, church was long, and the afternoon was endless. It was a nice thing, though, because Katie had the day off and we had Chinese (food), took the dogs and kids to the park, and realized we could let the dogs run leash-free in an almost completely fenced in baseball field. It was so nice to see my dog RUN ... really run! Even if I took him "for a run", it wouldn't quite match up to his maximum speed. ;) The dogs were tired, the kids were tired, and now everyone's asleep and it's not even 7 PM. I can't believe I have an hour to myself (to clean, nonetheless) before Home Makeover even starts. I'm in a really good mood. Mostly because my first grad school class ended last night and my next one doesn't start until Sunday. I feel so FREE! Katie and I are taking the boys for their Christmas pictures (at Wal-Mart) on Tuesday evening. I can't take them alone, and JCPenny is always booked in advance before Katie knows her schedule. The studio looks nice at the new Super Wal-Mart, but they "can't guarantee" and outfit change. Considering my mom spent over $100 on their Halloween/Christmas costumes, I better get that outfit change! Speaking of, they said ALSO that I couldn't come back for thirty days if I didn't get the outfit change, like I can't even make two appointments. Can someone please explain the sense in that?

Keon's saying that a cow says "moo" and in speech therapy Wednesday he made the best goat sound I've ever heard in my life! Keon and Kris both dressed up for the Case Avenue Halloween parade (even though it ended up raining and being held inside.) They looked adorable. They loved passing out (and dumping candy) on Trick-or-Treat which, in Pennsylvania, is NOT on Halloween, go figure.

OK, time limit is up. Gotta spend the next hour cleaning! Thanks for reading. :)


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